About Innovation Coach Ellia Harris
Hello! I’m Ellia Harris, and I Love to Solve Problems.
Since 2002, the name “The Potential Center™” has been a symbol of my passion for helping organizations and individuals live up to their capabilities and aspirations.
And let’s have a little fun along the way!
Here’s My Story
As a manager for the first time, I was hitting my targets but they were safe targets for me and my team. I noticed I wasn't stretching for the results I knew we were capable of.
I expected more of myself and so did my manager.
Let’s be real. Managers don’t get a user’s manual. And intensive management training wasn’t an option. I felt boxed in.
When I discovered creative problem-solving, it was exciting. It was something different.
That’s when I realized we had been using the same old techniques to solve the same old problems.
Creative problem-solving helped me push those boundaries. I learned to understand the methods and gained confidence in using them.
I had an ‘ah-ha’ moment when I realized that there were separate training and coaching programs in leadership and creative problem-solving, but there were none that combined the best of both worlds in a way that improved both skill sets simultaneously.
The result
By leaning into thinking differently, I more easily saw what I couldn’t see before.
Before it was boring. But this opened up a new spirit of curiosity, a new method of exploration, and excitement for the results we were going to find.
We blasted right through our targets!
We found creative ways that made our audiences sit up and listen.
Our productivity soared and internal stakeholders had to take notice of our team.
As we kept getting these results, I realized that facilitating creative problem-solving is the fastest route to being an effective leader of a high-performing team.
I was determined to share this innovative approach of combining leadership training with creative problem-solving skills for managing people, addressing challenges, and taking advantage of opportunities.
The Light Bulb Thinking™ Framework was born.
Creative Problem Solving
Approach and Methodology
Now I guide managers and leaders in developing strong leadership skills through The Potential Center® and Light Bulb Thinking™.
You’ll hear me speaking on podcasts and in person about getting out of habitual thinking in order to find better solutions. The way to do that is to use creativity to safely shake up the brain. Getting out of habitual thinking helps solve challenges with creative solutions that couldn't be seen before.
What’s next?
I’d love to talk to you about adding creative problem-solving to your leadership skill set.
Schedule a free 30-minute strategy session below.
As Heard On…

Excellent Problem-Solving Guidance
“I chose Ellia as a coach to help me with a course I was developing. I am so happy I did! I love Ellia’s coaching style - and her experience in corporate training and course design was invaluable. She demonstrated how asking the right questions makes it easier to solve problems and reach a higher level of creativity and engagement. I would not hesitate to go back to Ellia for coaching when I need creative problem-solving guidance in the future!”
- N. McDermott, Confidence and Public Speaking Coach, NLMCDERMOTT.COM
She Kept us Focused and Provided Problem-Solving Tools
"We felt comfortable working with Ellia right from the start. Even in the messiness of brainstorming, she keeps us focused and helps us explore ideas both on our own and as part of a team. The problem-solving tools she gives us are understandable, and we feel confident introducing them to the rest of the team.”
- R+E Cycles