As a manager, can you relate?
Hey guys, can you relate to this?
Can you relate to these situations?
I’ve been going through a “Can you relate to this?” phase. These are some things that came up – can you relate?
Like me, do you wish customer support reps had better training?
Feeling underlying stress anyway, it doesn’t help to also deal with some of the people I’ve had to, in the name of “customer support”. This has happened so much that I can only assume it’s a trend, not a one-off. (The upside is that it makes me more appreciative of those who do give good service!) I appreciate companies are trying to play catch-up in service roles, but I wish they would get their folks trained up faster. Using an in-house or external training team would help accelerate the results.
Feeling disconnected to the new purchasing norms?
The way we purchase has changed so much in the past few years, especially with many retail shops closing and taking the ability to try things on with it. Our brains are still adjusting to these changes. Resisting change can be a neurological response, btw. The brain likes certainty and routines. Anything that falls outside that can be seen as a threat, which is why some people resist change. In retail, this can lead to buyer ambivalence and reduced customer loyalty, which means that companies have to work much harder to maintain interest and customer connection.
Are you feeling stressed about the state of the future?
At one point in my life I was so stressed out about the state of the world that I left my cushy corporate job for a career in nonprofit leadership. I’m feeling that stress again, so I’m focusing on positive ways to respond. For me, laughter is the best medicine. I love a good laugh, especially when it’s in response to an impromptu comment because I find unexpected laughter joyful. A big BTW here is that when brainstorming sessions are done well, they can generate laughter and relieve stress.
Wishing your team had more and better ideas?
One thing you never know when you take on leading a new team, is how creative they are in their thinking. Suddenly a few years have gone by, and you’re still wondering that, but through a different lens: as in, I wish my team was more creative. If you can relate to this and your running out of ways to help your team come up with more and better ideas, book a free strategy session.