Do logical thinkers hate brainstorming?
andrea piacquadio for pexels
Do your logical thinkers hate brainstorming?
If you’ve been promoting brainstorming sessions to your team as an opportunity to let their childlike spirit out, this may go against the grain of those who are logical, left-brain thinkers.
When the brain takes over
If you read my posts, hear me talk, or take my courses, you will have heard me say that the brain rebels against brainstorming because working in a new way and hearing new ideas can be interpreted by the brain as a threat. This is especially true for your logical people.
Asking logical thinkers to behave in a way that is atypical for them may make them uncomfortable to the point that they disengage or resist attending the meeting. Don’t make the mistake of leaving these folks out of your brainstorming process, though, because they are the ones that will help find the gaps and therefore contribute to a more robust solution.
Helping left-brain thinkers survive and thrive in brainstorming
For these folks, what guardrails could you put in place to provide the structure they need? How will you provide opportunities for engagement that appeal to their logical side? How might you coach them to think different?
I structure brainstorming sessions and the creative problem-solving process Light Bulb Thinking™ so that they have elements of both left- and right-brain thinking … exercises and tips that help people think different within a process that has structure and boundaries. If you participated in the recent Brainstorming Blueprint masterclass, you’ll know what I’m talking about.
Free Masterclass: The Brainstorming Blueprint
ICYMI, I’m hosting another Brainstorming Blueprint masterclass on Wed, Jan 25th. In under an hour, you will acquire guidance and tips for engaging everyone in your team in the brainstorming process. More info and registration here.
Your comment?
We would love to hear what helps and what hinders your team’s brainstorming; share your comments below!