“The pandemic was a practice run for climate change”
Ella Ivanescu for Unsplash
The pandemic was a practice run for climate change.
I’m a pretty positive person most of the time. Last week was tough, though, following the release of the IPCC findings. The UN report was an indictment of the kind of people we’ve been for the past 100 years that would allow the earth to reach the critical point we’re at today. That just riles me up. People have caused this problem. Now it’s time for people to fix the problem.
Soon after hearing the report findings, I heard “The pandemic was a practice run for climate change”. Yep. Whoever said it, they’re right.
I don’t like to be down in the dumps, so I said to myself, “Ok Ellia, let’s look at this as a learning opportunity. What did we learn about ourselves and our society from the pandemic that could be applied to climate change emergencies?” This is what I wrote down:
· Communication is key – keep people informed
· People need to feel connected
· We can innovate quickly (let’s invent a vaccine for the earth)
· People can adapt (WFH)
· Home quarantining makes introverts of us all, whether or not it’s in our nature
· New habits cause us to re-examine ourselves and our relationships, and to see the value of those relationships
· There will always be total idiots who can’t see how dangerous their actions are to society
Whether or not you agree with this list, you can see that this could be the start of a process for future emergency preparedness.
If I was able to produce this list in just five minutes, imagine what groups of people working collaboratively for an hour could produce?! Picture what that would look like; what the energy in the room would be like; some of the creative ideas that people would come up with!
Being intentional is what gives creativity wings. What exercise can you set yourself to stretch your brain muscles? I’d love to hear your ideas!
I believe that, with the right support anyone can learn creative ways to solve problems. If you’d like to see what tapping into creative potential could look like at your place of work, contact me at Ellia@ThePotentialCenter.com to arrange a call.