Welcome to “The Light Bulb”

Welcome to The Light Bulb, the official blog space for The Potential Center™! I’m so glad you are here.

Supporting my mission to simplify the creative problem-solving and innovation process, my aim with this blog space, or “The Light Bulb,” is to provide food for thought, useful concepts, thought-provoking case studies, and tools you can use. Posts will relate to the general principles of creative problem-solving and innovation, and tie in with the training and speaking I do on the four stages of my Light Bulb Thinking™ Framework.

Why Light Bulb Thinking™?

I’m convinced that creative problem-solving is something that anyone can learn. It can be applied in all kinds of circumstances: for improving the corporate bottom line, to attract more charitable donations, where morale and staff retention are lower than they should be, to help managers further develop their leadership skills, and lead to innovations that will improve the quality of life for hundreds, thousands, or millions of people at home and abroad.

Whether you’re a leader, team member or individual, these articles and tips will help you take control of problems. Be warned…I am a creative thinker, so I may go off script from time to time. 🙂


Sign up for the blog here.

Whether you are stuck on how to make the shift towards more creative problem-solving in your organization or you’d like to further explore a particular concept, I’d love to talk. Reach out at Ellia@ThePotentialCenter.com and we’ll set up a time to have a conversation.

In the meantime, here’s one example of how creative problem-solving has the potential to improve the quality of life for millions of kiddos around the world. Such a simple idea, and a fantastic solution for keeping children healthy…

Nearly 1.7 billion people around the world suffer from soil-transmitted diseases and parasites. Without shoes, children are particularly vulnerable. The nonprofit Because International has created “The Shoe That Grows” to help solve the problem. Its founder was inspired to develop the shoes after visiting Kenya and seeing a young girl who had cut open the front of her shoes to make them fit. The Shoe That Grows is designed to expand by five sizes and last for years. The shoes are made from compressed rubber, with adjustable straps that allow them to be made larger (or smaller – if passed down) as needed.

Because International

Because’s founder took control of a problem and found a unique way to solve it. This is the essence of creative problem solving!


When Having Fun is a Strategy