Can Teams be Creative Under Pressure?

Today's managers need to lead creative teams more than ever before. 

It's no longer enough to get 'good' ideas. Leaders are needed, with teams that have the creative fire needed to produce outstanding results.

But how can fresh ideas be generated quickly and easily?

It's no wonder new managers feel under pressure to perform.

The problem with working under pressure is that it suppresses creativity. It's hard to come up with new ideas when your brain takes over and freezes its creative capacity so that it can concentrate on what it perceives as 'danger', a natural consequence of recognizing stress.

The more you focus on trying to produce new ideas, the harder it is to come up with something fresh that will solve your team's problems.

So what's the best way to solve this and move forward to unlock creative problem-solving gems?

There are proven tools and processes to use and follow that make the outcome you want more probable. Brainstorming is just one of those techniques.

When you need cracking ideas, you can bring your team together in an organized idea-generating group by facilitating a brainstorming session.

Although this is a process with specific steps to follow that produce results, it’s actually beneficial for generating creative thinking to have constraints. bringing people together using a process will help stimulate different thinking. And different thinking can lead to different ideas.

Brainstorming can be fun, and relaxed people produce better ideas than people under pressure.

And there’s even better news! Learning how to use brainstorming tools for creative problem-solving will also contribute to further developing your leadership skills.

If you feel under pressure to create fresh ideas and would like to explore how you can run a successful brainstorming session to generate creative fire with your team, listen up!  

Our FREE mini Masterclass has been created for you to kickstart your journey from a new manager searching for creative ideas to leading a team generating innovative solutions.

Find out more and sign up to The Brainstorming Blueprint: Secrets, Tips & Tools you can use immediately to lead brainstorming that takes team ideating from ‘boring’ to ‘brilliant’:


New Managers: What Can You Do When You’re Struggling To Help Your Team Think Creatively?


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