New Managers: What Can You Do When You’re Struggling To Help Your Team Think Creatively?

woman in office looking dejected at laptop, struggling to think of creative ideas

Do you lead a talented team but feel frustrated about how to unlock their creative thinking? 

New managers often have not been taught the skills they need to help bring out the best ideas from their team. They can see the possibilities but struggle to know how to facilitate creative problem-solving.

If left unaddressed, managers can grow disillusioned to the point where they don’t enjoy working with their team. They can even feel quietly guilty about being unable to lead their team in producing great ideas.

The teams themselves fall back on ‘doing what they’ve always done’, become disengaged, and feel undervalued. This is not a good place to be.

If this is you or your team, you certainly aren’t alone. It’s more common than you might think.

Imagine instead that there is a toolkit for exploring creative problem-solving. Imagine that when an idea is needed, it’s possible to pick out a suitable tool to generate ideas. Imagine having the skill to use those tools on demand to have creativity on tap.

The good news is that there are tools available that can help your team unlock their creative problem-solving. And that you can learn creative problem-solving skills, just like any other skill.

One of the most effective tools in the creative toolbox is brainstorming. You can learn to engineer some of the best conditions for generating creative fire with your team through brainstorming. And grow your leadership skills in the process.

How cool is that!

When taught correctly, you can easily learn what is needed to plan a successful brainstorming session. You’ll know how to create  the right environment for people to feel safe contributing, be creative, and ‘connect the dots’ differently to come up with fresh ideas. All you need is a practical step-by-step process to follow and practice.

If you’ve tried unsuccessfully to bring creativity to team problem-solving and would like to explore how you can run a successful brainstorming session, then you’ll be interested in this…

Our FREE mini Masterclass will help you kickstart your journey from a new manager looking for ways to unlock your team’s creative idea generation to a leader helping their  team generate innovative solutions.

Find out more and sign up to The Brainstorming Blueprint: Secrets, Tips & Tools you can use immediately to lead brainstorming that takes team ideating from ‘boring’ to ‘brilliant’:


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