The “Light Bulb Moments” Training Program

Are you experiencing 3am sweats around your effectiveness or that of your team?

Here’s a question for you…

What if work was more fun? And what if that led to more innovative solutions and stronger teams?

I have news about a learning program I’m putting together. If you’re a new, or even not so new, manager and you’re experiencing 3am sweats around your effectiveness or that of your team, this could be the program for you! It’s called Light Bulb Moments™. The purpose of this training is twofold. One, so that you can guide your team in solving problems creatively, and two, to further develop your own leadership skills.

Light Bulb Moments will consist of a series of podcast modules that you can listen on the go. You’ll do the workbook exercises when you can be in one place for a bit. This audio course exercises your imagination in the same way as reading or listening to a book… you visualize the setting, the characters, their expressions. And exercising your imagination is one of the foundations of creative problem-solving!

The modules cover topics such as leadership, motivating and managing teams, and creating a culture of creative problem-solving and innovation. You’ll learn how to use Light Bulb Thinking™, the framework that will take your team from no idea to brilliant idea in four simple steps. You’ll be able to put this learning into action right from day one.

In the program, you’ll also hear why we need to be more creative and innovative.

Here’s a taste of why that’s important right now…

In a survey carried out by Accenture, 84% of leaders said that they were “dependent on innovation for their company’s long term success.” In an IBM survey, four out of five CEOs rated innovation as a “crucial capability” because of the ability to shift quickly in response to external events.

And hasn’t there been a lot of shifting! The pandemic has accelerated both the pace of change and the need for change. New opportunities, including in the form of crises like Covid, are coming our way faster and more frequently than ever. We can’t predict exactly what will happen in the future, but we can be better prepared for it. To adequately respond to society’s, and the planet’s, most crucial problems, we need to intentionally think outside the box through creative problem-solving, or build a new box through innovation.

I developed Light Bulb Moments because I’m passionate about making creative problem-solving available to everyone. As well as improving productivity and providing a better work experience, creative problem-solving also contributes to a better life experience.

And this brings me to you.

With more people leaving their jobs than ever, you may suddenly have been promoted into a leadership role without having had management training. Or you may have taken a job elsewhere as a first time manager. As a new, or not so new, manager, you may feel like you’re being judged for how well you achieve targets, how motivated your team is, and how you personally contribute to the company’s growth.

This may result in you feeling that:

·      You’re “flying the plane while you’re building it”.

·      You’re just putting a Band-aid over problems without really solving them

·      You’re embarrassed to ask for help because, hey, you’re a manager, and you should know what you’re doing, right ??

·      Or even that you’re not cut out to be a manager, that taking this job was a mistake

So if you’re a manager wanting greater confidence in yourself as a leader who can deliver excellence; if you want a different perspective on solving big, hairy problems; if you want a stronger, happier, more motivated and productive team, a team that’s engaged and fired up; if you want to be ready for the future; or if you want to disrupt boring business as usual …then Light Bulb Moments is a great learning program for you. Helping your team solve problems creatively is the fastest way to become a more effective manager and leader of a high performing team.

Whether you’re an operational, sales, marketing, fundraising, customer service, R&D, or cross functional team manager, Light Bulb Moments will provide the learning you need to implement creative problem-solving techniques that, as long as you practice regularly with your team, will produce tangible results.

Special Offer!

There will be a special offer for those who register their interest before the official launch. If you’d like to be on that list, just drop me a line by February 14th at with “Blog: Light Bulb Moments” in the subject line and we’ll keep you updated.

The future is waiting to be created. Make sure you’re ready! 

If you’re looking for ways to lead your team more effectively, let’s explore how coaching in creative problem-solving could help you address your challenges. Schedule a free mini-consult at

We appreciated the solution-driven discussions, your calm, purposeful style of teaching and facilitation, and that we were able to walk away with not only a solution to our institutional challenge but also practical techniques that we can implement immediately with faculty and staff.
— Bethnal Green Technology College, UK


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