The BETA Leadership Lab: FAQs
The Beta Leadership Lab is a weekly live coaching forum on Zoom, ‘office hours’ style
If you are interested in joining The BETA Leadership Lab: Creative Problem-Solving at Work but are still on the fence… first, don’t sit too long as applications need to be in by Wed, Sept 8th! And second, these FAQs should help you decide.
Q: When will the sessions take place?
A: On Fridays, 10am Pacific over 8 weeks from Oct 8th to Dec 3rd with no session Nov 26th
Q: How long are the sessions?
A: We have 90 minutes available to us. We can finish early if we get through all the questions.
Q: What kinds of thing will we talk about in the sessions?
A: Anything that’s relevant to being a leader! Since we’ll be focused on creative problem-solving and innovation as a route to achieving goals, we might talk about:
· Easier idea generation
· What’s the real problem we’re trying to solve?
· Team productively
· How to keep talented staff
· Developing a culture of innovation
See also this blog post for more topics that may come up.
Q: Will the sessions be recorded?
A: Yes, the sessions will be recorded and will be available for two weeks.
Q: Do I have to attend every week?
A: Hey, I get that work issues sometimes crop up unannounced and you may not always be able to attend. And that’s why the sessions are recorded. Having said that, I encourage you to commit to attending every week so you really leverage your learning and experiences applying the ideas you pick up in the sessions.
Q: Can I send a replacement if I can’t make it?
A: Unfortunately, no. This is in your interest as it’s highly likely that we will talk about things that participants want to “stay in the room”; bringing in outsiders reduces trust and the integrity of the group, and therefore affects the ability of participants to address their sticky issues.
Q: What resources will be available to us?
A: There will be these resources:
· A private Facebook group, where you can exchange ideas and continue learning with your fellow Lab Researchers in between forum sessions. I’ll also be popping in regularly and will offer suggestions and questions. You’ll receive an invitation to join this group shortly before the program kicks off.
· A private Lab Resources page which contains useful info, and I’ll be adding content throughout the program.
· If you’re completely stuck in between sessions, you can email me. If it’s something I can help with quickly, I will, otherwise I’ll ask you to bring that question to the next session.
Q: Do you offer a refund if I decide this isn’t for me?
A: We do our best to make sure there’s a good fit between you and the program, that’s why we ask you to complete an application form. But, hey, I get it; sometimes you need to experience something before you know for sure, so if you feel this way after the first session, contact me straight away so we can explore how you’re feeling. Remember that no two weeks are the same in The Lab. In addition, a strong bond develops as you get to know each other and coach your peers.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
I believe that, with the right support, anyone can learn creative ways to solve problems. If you’d like to see what tapping into creative potential could look like at your place of work, contact me at to arrange a call.