Out of Order!
What does this mean to you?
Do you know the phrase “That’s out of order”? It means what the other person did or said was uncalled for and offensive.
“Out of order” can also mean that something is broken.
Two different meanings
When this happens in a team meeting, keep an ear out for when there may be a second meaning. When you hear it, explore whether there is room for misinterpretation. Rather than be discouraged, take this as a sign that you have a diverse group. And diversity, especially in experience and in outlook, is an important element for creative problem-solving and innovation.
In fact, you can use this as a coaching moment. Point out that there may be two different interpretations and have the group explore them. Then relate this observation to the problem at hand. Does it make you think about the problem in a different way?
In other news…
The next Brainstorming Blueprint webinar takes place on April 12, 11-11:45am Pacific. To make sure you’re on the list, sign up here.