Why is creativity important?
Ameen Fahmy for Unsplash
Someone recently asked me “Why is creativity important?”
I have to admit, the question surprised me. Regardless of one’s expertise, a question like this could provoke the response from any expert: “Well, isn’t it obvious?”
Which is exactly why experts like me need to pay respectful attention to questions like this. We live in our expertise every day, but need to remember that the people we serve don’t share this expertise. That’s why they come to us. And this is why I need to answer that question.
Why is creativity important?
“When you always do what you've always done you always get what you’ve always got.” There’s a reason why this is a typical way of operating in organizations. It’s because it makes the brain, which seeks certainty, feel safe. Once the brain feels like it needs to protect you, say from a left-of-field idea, it’s game over and you’re suddenly stuck in fight, flight, or freeze mode.
Instead, by following a creative path, you’re more likely to:
Be less stressed
See renewed excitement in your team
Hear more energy and mutual trust in the room
Laugh more and have more fun together
Feel like you belong
Ultimately, change more people’s lives for the better
What if you could convince your brain, and those in your team, that it’s okay to come up with a new idea or two?
That’s where the creative process comes in. Creativity, facilitated properly, helps team members get in the mindset of being open to change. You also increase the odds of coming up with a stunning solution. Facilitated creativity is a safe way to shake up your brain.
Now that I’ve answered the question “why is creativity important?”, I have one for you…
What would it be like to create what you couldn’t see before?
To help answer this question, join my next live masterclass ‘How to generate your team's next WOW idea!’
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