Two Sides of the Same Coin
NASA for Unsplash
Both Sides of the Coin
Covid has caused a lasting impact and shift in company culture. In the past year, companies have been grappling with issues such as how to foster unity in remote teams, or new ways to earn revenue when the current avenues are roadblocked.
On the other hand, some organizations have seen opportunity – there’s nothing like a good set of constraints to get the mother of invention turning her wheels!
Not only is creativity necessary in business, it’s also imperative in the field of sustainability. This past Wednesday was the UN’s World Day of Creativity & Innovation, a global day of celebration to raise awareness around the importance of creativity and innovation in problem-solving with respect to advancing the United Nations sustainable development goals. “We empower and encourage everyone to use new ideas and take new action towards making the world, and our place in it, better through creativity,” says the UN. They know that the future of the planet and quality of life for its residents relies on humanity pulling together and effecting change through new and repurposed methods.
Closer to home
All businesses can play a part in this mission to improve sustainability and quality of life. Everything we do in business should be about improving the quality of life for customers and clients. If you work in sustainability, renewables or recyclables, you view the goal of environmental health through the eyes of your client: Earth.
Innovation in action
Anyone who knows me know I’m action-oriented. I want organizations to have the tools and capability to take actionable steps towards innovation. That’s why I’ve teamed up with another innovation expert Dee Claxton on the podcast “Innovation Game Changers”. The UN Day of Innovation was the perfect time for us to launch the podcast, which airs next month.
In the podcast, we’ll help you keep your finger on the pulse of innovation. We’ll make the case for innovation, unpack the common factors that inhibit and advance innovation, and feature guests who will share the why and how of their path to innovation and challenges along the way. We’ll also provide valuable insights into using creative problem-solving techniques. Dee and I are especially interested in service-based innovation, and this is guaranteed to be a regular topic.
Watch this space for more news!
With the right support any individual, team, and organization can learn creative ways to solve problems. I'm hired by visionary organizations to help their teams think in new ways together, and to guide leaders in designing a kickass culture of innovation. Let's have a conversation if you want to see what tapping into creative potential could look like at your place of work. Contact me at to arrange a call.
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