Do you chase squirrels?

Do you chase squirrels? (Pic: Trac Vu for Unsplash)

Do you chase squirrels? Do you have a team of squirrel chasers?

Squirrel syndrome is real.

Squirrel syndrome is the need to implement anything that looks shiny and promising, without assessing whether it’s a good idea.

Squirrel syndrome can come about when you’re under the microscope for not delivering on results. When you feel you have to prove yourself all the time. When there’s no time to sit back and think about what’s truly important.

Squirrel syndrome is contagious.

Your team members can easily catch it from you. And then you’ll be tempted to put them under the microscope as you wish they delivered better results.

Squirrel syndrome is detrimental

Squirrel syndrome takes your attention away from what really matters. When you’re always chasing after something new, you don’t have time to assess whether what’s currently in place is effective. You think about whether this shiny new thing will relieve the symptom, rather than looking for a permanent cure for the problem.

And who knows whether you’re solving the right problem if you don’t take time to think about what the problem really is… because you’re too busy chasing bright shiny objects.

Squirrel syndrome and brainstorming

When your brainstorming sessions are driven by a squirrel syndrome mentality you get ideas, sure, but there’s no framework for assessing whether they are effective solutions… or bright, shiny objects.

Hopefully you can now see that squirrel syndrome is not a good business or team development strategy.

What’s the antidote?

Earlier this week I spent some quality time with a group of managers who are committed to improving their team’s ability to solve problems creative and methodically. I showed how our Light Bulb Thinking™ framework is an effective, repeatable idea generating process so your team can consistently get new ideas, more ideas, better ideas. They saw the importance of making sure they have identified the right problem and how to run ideating sessions so they actually produce useful solutions.

How to Generate your Team’s Next WOW! Idea

Sorry you missed out? No worries! You can view the replay for a short time here. If you’d like to join me for the next FREE masterclass, “How to Generate your Team’s Next WOW! Idea”, mark your calendar for Sept 13th, 11am Pacific. Click here for more info and to register. Places are limited so please register now to make sure you get a seat and your free gift!

I believe that, with the right support anyone can learn creative ways to solve problems. If you’d like to see what tapping into creative potential could look like at your place of work, contact me at to arrange a call.


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